2018 Covered Bridge Tour

           "Everyone safe and sound"

Article V   Application

Application for membership in this chapter must be in writing, and include dues for the first year. The application must include the name of the active member sponsor.  The acceptance must receive a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors and the current term officers.  Results of the vote will be determined and conveyed within 30 days of the receipt of the application. Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate membership by majority vote, if necessary and without cause. Any remaining dues will be prorated and returned within 30 days.

Article VI    Meetings

Monthly meetings will be held with written notice stating the place, date and hour of every meeting and provided by the secretary to each active member of this chapter at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The Board of Directors reserves the right to select a time and place for any special membership meeting.

Article VII   Procedure

  • Each active member shall be entitled to one vote per issue.

Article VIII Type of Officers

The officers of this chapter shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer and such other offices as the Board of Directors may appoint. Officers shall serve beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

Amendment (1/28/2018):  A Chairman of the Board will be elected from the Board of Directors.  This position will be for a one year duration starting January 1st through December 31st.

Article IX Revenues

Membership dues shall be such as fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time. Dues shall be payable at the time of submission of application and annually thereafter. Dues will run January to December and are considered delinquent one month after Jan 1.

Amendment I (January 10, 2015)
Donations made from our Chapter to a Charitable Organization in the Name of Deceased:

In the event of death of an Acitve Member or their immediate family (someone living in the same household), a donation in the amount of $50.00 will be made in the name of the deceased from the Chapter to the Charitable Organization as indicated by the family.  If no Charitable Organization  is defined, than a donation of $50.00 will be made to the Model T Museum in the name of the decased.  A sympathy card will be sent to all others from the Chapter.


West Central Indiana Model Ter's

CHAPTER of the Model "T" Club Of America.

Nov. 2011 estanlishing guidelines and/or bylaws

Article II   Principal Location of chapter 

3905 S. SR 341, Kingman, Indiana  47952-8032. The Board of Directors is hereby granted the authority to change the principal location from one location to another if needed.

Article III   Personal Liability 

Neither the members of the chapter or the Board of Directors, nor officers, present or future, shall be personally liable for any personal debt set forth.

Article IV Membership 

There shall be only one class of membership.  This class shall be titled “Active”.  An active member is entitled to all chapter privileges, including the right to vote and hold office. A member(s) shall be all adults age 18 and over living under one roof of a household where at least one adult pays dues.

Amendment (1/28/2018): Each adult member of the household is entitled to one vote per motion presnted.



About Us-

Our club is governed by four Officers and a Board of Directors of five members.


      President:             Kemberly (Kem)


      Vice President:    Al J Mattull

      Secretary:             Erin Mattull

      Treasurer:            Valerie Jordan

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Newsletter Editor   Kathy Diener

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Borad of Directors

     Jim Walker-Chairman

     Brian Jordan

     Brian Andrews

     Paul Hollingsworth

     JR Coyner




"Where the fun never ends"

Article I Purpose

The general purpose of this chapter shall be to preserve and maintain Model T Fords of age and historical value and to serve as an accurate and technical source of information concerning Model T Fords for the benefit of its members as well as the general public.

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